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Notice to Reader and Legal Disclaimer

By November 8, 2023No Comments

Notice to Reader

eb5Marketplace has conducted an independent due diligence review on the offering of American Industrial Brands, Fund 1 (the “Company” or “NCE”) to foreign investors who wish to participate in the USCIS EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

The purpose of the report is to provide:

1. An objective and independent review of the offering documents;

2. A summary of the key provisions that may impact an investor’s decision;

3. Other procedures deemed appropriate to validate the reasonableness of information provided by the offering party; and

4. Compliance of the offering with the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022.

The scope of our review may be limited to documents provided by the offering party where third party information is not provided or available.

This report should not be interpreted as a recommendation to invest (or not invest) in the subject offering but rather a document that summarizes the investment proposal and assists the reader in understanding the offering and identifying strengths and weaknesses through the procedures we have taken.

Any decision to invest (or not invest) should be done following a review of all offering documents and discussions with appropriate professionals to ensure suitability for each investors goals and risk tolerance.

This due diligence report reflects our review of the proposed investment opportunity as of the date noted hereafter and does not take into account potential developments or changes that might occur after this date.

Date: December 9, 2022

Legal Disclaimer has been designed for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any security that may be referenced herein. Such offers can only be made pursuant to a qualified investor receiving official offering and subscription documentation under applicable law.

Any conflict of facts between this site and the Company’s Memorandum shall be governed by the Memorandum. None of the information or analyses presented are intended to form the basis for any investment decision, and no specific recommendations are intended. Certain information contained herein has been obtained or is derived from sources prepared by third parties. While such information is believed to be reliable for the purposes used herein, we do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of such information. The information contained herein is subject to correction, completion, verification, and amendment. This website contains summaries of certain terms of documents and agreements. All such summaries are qualified in their entirety by the terms of the actual documents and agreements. If any of the terms, conditions, or other provisions of the actual documents and agreements are inconsistent with or contrary to the descriptions or terms in this report, the terms of the actual documents and agreements will control. In the event any translation of this website is prepared for convenience or any other purpose, the provisions of the English version shall prevail. If there is any discrepancy between a translated version and the English version, the English version shall prevail. EB5Marketplace expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in this website, (ii) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (iii) any action resulting therefrom.